All the pain of a roll bar with none of the added safety features. Nice!
The Electric Supercharger Returns (again)
It seems that every couple of years, some one creates a new spin on the electric supercharger. This tiny little gem fits just after the K&N air filter. They claim a 4 to 6 percent increase in power. Funny, K&N claims 5 to 10 percent increase alone with just it's filter. Does that mean this contraption is actually a RESTRICTION??? Judge for yourself. Vist the Electric Supercharger web page.
GMT560 Family Truck
I received this picture, and message, from a friend working at the General Motors Tech center. Until I opened up the picture, I actually thought he was serious. "GM employees will be able to pre-order the new GMT560 before its release to the general public. This may be a good time to order one and sell 6 months later to turn a good profit. Unlike the Aztec, this vehicle will actually sell."
Rice Boy... Motor City Style!!!
While driving though a Mc Donalds in metor Detroit, I spotted this wonderful collaboration of domestic engineering and rice boy style. This "vehicle" is a four door Dodge Cirrus painted "County Road Worker Orange" with the mandatory 4 inch tip and wing borrowed from a 747. The two drivers of this vehicle were also fitted with the latest in l.e.d. flashing golf visor's worn in the typical upside down, and backwards style. They were too cool for me!
What the hell???
Not sure what to make of these "vehicles". Are these thing for real, or is it some sort of "anit-drug" campaign for grade schools across the nation? What ever it is, it only makes me wonder just what kind of people D-R-I-V-E These things! These pictures came from this great web site.